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Membership is only necessary for UWF Leisure Learning

Choose "Annual Leisure Learning" in the membership purchase dropdown, select your profile type, then enter your information to create your student or household profile. Household profile creation is encouraged for those who register with another family member on a regular basis. For assistance, reach out to Student Support at

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UWF Leisure Learning

Curiosity never retires!

Leisure Learning provides stimulating programs for seasoned adults who are interested in joining a spirited community of intellectual contemporaries. Energize your mind and become part of a growing and vibrant community of lifelong learners. Our diverse lineup of classes offers you the opportunity to explore Pensacola and the surrounding areas, discover exciting research and ideas or learn new skills—all while making friends. The $40 annual membership fee covers 12 months from the date you join. Current annual membership is required to register for Leisure Learning classes.

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