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TeacherReady: Intensive Lesson 1

ID : 503   
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Registration requires acceptance into the TeacherReady program. Apply at 

Intensive Lesson 1 Managing and Engaging Students to Learn

Course Objectives:
  • Explain what teachers should consider when they plan their lessons.
  • Create a script for your AIDET®, to communicate with parents.
  • Create a sample classroom mission statement, including behavior expectations/rules, and addresses plan for reinforcing expectations.
  • Create a plan for teaching classroom procedures.
  • Evaluate three behavior management approaches and determine which best fits your personal management style.
  • Field Experience: Volunteer in a Classroom
If you have a disability that impacts your full participation in this course, please contact Student Accessibility Resources at 850-474-2387 or by email,

Class Details

0 Session(s)

NA - Online

TeacherReady Instructors 

Start Date:upon registration



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Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
N/A - Online TeacherReady Instructors  Web-Based