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Introduction to the Physician Assistant Profession

ID : 513   
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Designed for individuals considering a career as a physician assistant (PA), this course takes the student through the history of the PA profession, its development and the role of the PA as a member of the healthcare team. Successful completion of this course by students will exempt them from the 500 hour requirement for previous patient care experience required for application to the FSU PA Program.

Course Leaning Outcomes:

1. Identify commonly used acronyms, abbreviations, and terminology in healthcare.
2. Describe key milestones in the development of the PA profession.
3. Describe the roles of the PA as a member of the healthcare team.
4. Describe the role of the supervising physician and the concept of delegated practice.
5. Discuss common admission criteria for PA programs.
6. Discuss common curriculum in PA education.
7. Discuss the continuing medical education (CME) requirements for PAs.
8. Explain the role that PAs play in providing care to the medically underserved.
9. Discuss laws and regulations governing PA practice, credentialing, licensure, and malpractice.
10. Discuss the certification and recertification process for state licensure and NCCPA certification.
11. Explore the areas of specialization in which PAs practice.
12. Describe career and employment opportunities for the PA.
13. Define and discuss professionalism.
14. Analyze the significance of current issues in the health care and political arenas that impact the PA profession.
15. Discuss the use of evidence-based medicine and information literacy in professional practice

Book Requirement: Ballweg, R; et al, Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice, 7th edition
Not included in tuition

Class Details

16 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

UWF Building 234

Kimberly Berggren 



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Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
8/21/2024 - 12/4/2024 Weekly - Wed 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM Pensacola, UWF Building 234  Map Kimberly Berggren  Face-to-Face

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