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MBA Foundation: Fundamentals of Economics Module (2024-2025)

ID : 571   
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MBA Foundation Modules:

Business Math and Statistics (20 contact hours)
Statistics and basic mathematics skills play an important role in understanding key functions within and external to the company. Therefore an understanding of these topics is important for managers. The purpose of the product is to give the user a broad overview of the basic math and statistics necessary for business and to introduce the most popular forms of forecasting techniques.

Financial Accounting (20 contact hours)
A working knowledge of accounting is critical to success in business. Accounting information underlies most strategic and operational decisions made by management. The purpose of this package is to supply managers with a knowledge of the objectives of accounting and to provide the tools necessary to interpret accounting information.

Fundamentals of Economics (24 contact hours)
The purpose of this package is to provide managers with fundamental economic principles, which they may use to think critically about micro and macroeconomic events.

Information Systems (20 contact hours)
The purpose of this course is to provide a manager with an overall view of information systems.

Managerial Accounting (24 contact hours)
A working knowledge of managerial accounting is critical to success in business. Although some individuals may not be aware of job order costing, variances and activity based costing, they are exposed to budgeting and in some cases, capital budgeting. This course is a good overview of all these topics.

Principles of Management (20 contact hours)
Many years of research have contributed to the development of a generally accepted set of management principles which are associated with higher levels of individual and organizational performance. This product reviews the critical essentials that the practicing manager, professional, or business student needs to master in order to succeed as a manager and/or to demonstrate competency on a formal examination assessing understanding of management principles. It blends research conclusions with practical applications and the theoretical underpinnings needed to understand and manage human issues in the dynamic, 21st century workplace. The self-paced, interactive learning format promotes rapid mastery through active learning exercises with detailed feedback that maintains ongoing student engagement.

Principles of Marketing (20 contact hours)
This package provides managers or those who aspire to be managers a framework to understand the role of marketing in an organization's planning activities. The focus is on key marketing principles, theories, models and terminology.

Understanding Corporate Finance (20 contact hours)
Managers and analysts responsible for investment, finance, or credit decisions, as well as those people who need to understand the role of finance within a corporation.

MBA Foundation Assessments for Each Module Above (40 minutes)
The assessment evaluates a student's command of each assessment that they may have garnered through previous academic coursework or professional work experience. Each assessment is 40 randomly generated multiple choice questions. Students will have 40 minutes to take the assessment (a minute per question) and may only take the assessment one time.  To pass, a student must achieve a passing score of 80%. 

Class Details

0 Session(s)

NA - Online

Not Applicable NA 

Start Date:upon registration



Please read:  Fundamentals of Economics This module provides managers with fundamental economic principles, which are used to think critically about micro and macroeconomic events. Understanding the role of economics and its relationship between the individual, the market and the overall larger economy can help management make better decisions about their organizations leading to more profits.



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Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
N/A - Online Not Applicable NA  Web-Based